We painted a first layer on our boards and continued painting until we saw something appear.
I was seeing NOTHING..... so I kept painting, adding layers and textures to what was there, adding some circles, painting over the least interesting areas, around shapes that were made, turning it every direction, looking at it.... forgetting to photograph it after some of the changes, but you get the idea. I couldn't find a direction that looked like anything. The shapes were so disconnected and I really didn't know where to go with it. So I just continued on. The bottom right part of the picture below almost looked like a bowl to me if I turned it upside down.
Once Katie pointed out the possibility of a face, I saw it too. I wasn't trying to make a person or face as I prefer abstract to realism, BUT, all of a sudden, there was this face, and a body below. The bowl became the back of the head, but I think the big blue circle eye is a bit strange! The whole thing is a bit strange. I am thinking about adding a smaller light circle inside it to make the "eye" look smaller. I added the map section in the large circle and tried painting over it. That was unsuccessful, so I just kept painting over it until it looked better to me.