I decided to try removing some paint with alcohol for this next step. I hadn't ever tried it so I was curious to see how it worked. Using a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol, I removed some of the paint over certain areas to expose the previous layers. I wanted to show the raised areas of plaster without sanding them since they are pretty thin already. It worked very nicely and it's a technique I see myself using a lot. The changes thus far are VERY subtle. Some paint was removed all the way down to the painted board so it might be necessary to add more paint there later on. I still don't know where this is going at this point. I would eventually like to add some lettering if I could just figure out what I wanted to say! Maybe it will be unreadable text.
Detail of my favorite section so far. The circular patterns and lines are from the plaster. One of the 5's is now imbedded and much more interesting after removing the white paint from the plaster.